Best Case Desktop Version 28 Is Now Available!


Bankruptcy filings are up 16% in 2024 and more and more debtors are looking for relief as many of the protections provided during COVID are coming to an end. Be sure you are ready with Best Case desktop V28, our most advanced, client-centric solution, designed to maximize your firm’s efficiency and revenue potential.

Why Upgrade to V28?

Protection Capabilities

Chapter 13 cases continue to be at historic highs, compromising 41% of consumer filings in the first quarter of 2024. According to data from the National Data Center (NDC), 18,231 chapter 13 cases were dismissed in 2023 with attorney fees still due and owing. The average attorney fees were $1,501.82 per case. That's $27,379,680 in fees earned but sacrificed. V28 comes with the Chapter 13 Plan Tracker to help manage your chapter 13 cases and protect your fees.

Loan Discharge Tools

Debtors are facing student loan payments again with possible high payments due to the end of the protections provided during COVID. With the new DOJ guidelines, you can provide additional services to these clients to help them find additional debt relief. V28 provides you quick access to tools to determine if your clients are likely to receive discharge under the new guidelines.

Workflow Efficiencies

V28 has streamlined the process of ordering the various due diligence products and mandatory bankruptcy courses into a single seamless process, saving your firm valuable time. With even more exciting offerings coming soon, these tools help protect both the firm and the debtor in fulfilling their due diligence obligations.

Empower Your Practice with Cutting-Edge Features

Chapter 13 Plan Tracker:

For a small per case fee of $29 and accessible directly within Best Case desktop, the Chapter 13 Plan Tracker has a user-friendly interface delivering easy navigation and operation for all team members.

To begin using this feature today, click the Chapter 13 Plan Tracker button in the Best Case desktop toolbar.


The Chapter 13 Plan Tracker allows you to:

  • Identify cases where your client has missed entirely or made only a partial Trustee payment. You can then proactively work with the client to resolve issues before the Trustee files a motion to dismiss, putting you on your heels and your fees at risk.
  • Locate all upcoming step and lump sum payments, permitting you to ensure that the debtor complies with the terms of the confirmed plan before they fall behind.
  • View all attorney fees disbursed to date by the Trustee, compared to what was scheduled in the confirmed plan. Additionally, you can view all future scheduled attorney fee payments, allowing you to accurately forecast your monthly Trustee disbursements.
  • Streamline post-confirmation plan modifications under § 1329. Utilize the plan modification calculator, populated from both your Best Case file and the NDC's data on disbursements against claims to date, to compute viable plan modifications in a matter of minutes.

Should you have any questions, our Client Success Team is ready to assist you as you integrate this new tool into your workflow.

Student Loan Tools:

The new DOJ guidelines for student loan discharge in bankruptcy are complex. V28 provides you quick access to the student loan tools in Stretto DMM Portal via links placed into your workflow to make the process clear and easy for you and your clients.

To get started, visit the Stretto DMM Portal website to create an account or log in.


Student Loan Tools included:

  • Discharge Snapshot: This free tool provides a quick analysis of your clients' likelihood of successful discharge in a little as 90 seconds!
  • Discharge Analyzer: Answer simple questions and download a comprehensive report detailing the likelihood of success of a student loan Adversary Complaint under the new DOJ Guidance. Ready to file? Our Discharge Analyzer will prepare the Attestation and draft Adversary Complaint.
  • Repayment Plan Analyzer This unique loan analysis tool will analyze your clients' loans, provide payment options, check for forgiveness eligibility and more. A comprehensive report provides detailed guidance so you’ll know exactly what to do to help your clients find their optimal solution. Our Repayment Plan Analyzer even prepares all the documents you need.

How to update to V28:

1. At the top of Best Case, on a gray screen, select Tools > Check for Update
2. Follow the on-screen prompts to download and apply the changes
3. If you are on a network version, all users must exit prior to installation

Note: If you encounter issues updating Best Case, please email our Client Services Team or call 800.492.8037.

Ready to Transform Your Practice?

Download Version 28 today!